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Crestron Module to control GE/Interlogix NX Security Systems

Found in: Security

This suite of 3 modules allows control of a compatible GE/Interlogix security system.  Current models that are supported include the NX-4, NX-4V2, NX-6, NX-6V2, NX-8, NX-8V2, NX-8E.  The panel must be equipped with a NX-587E Virtual Keypad Module in order for these three modules to function.

Interface Module Details:
  • Keypad serial text display
  • Keypad button 1-9, *, #
  • Stay, chime, exit bypass, cancel and fire, medical and holdup buttons
  • Up and down arrows for scrolling the display
  • LED status
  • Buzzer status
  • Partition and zone status
Partition Module Details:
  • Partition ready feedback
  • Partition armed feedback
  • Partition chime feedback
  • Partition entry delay feedback
  • Partition exit period feedback
  • Partition previous alarm feedback
  • Partition siren on feedback
  • Partition stay mode feedback
Zone Status Module Details:
  • Zone faulted feedback
  • Zone alarm memory feedback
  • Zone tamper feedback
  • Zone trouble feedback
  • Zone bypass feedback
  • Zone bypass memory feedback
  • Zone inhibit feedback
  • Zone low battery feedback
  • Zone lost feedback

What do I get when I buy the module?
With purchase you will receive the module itself (.umc .usp .ush), an example program, example touchpanel, and help file.

You also receive updates and telephone support at no additional charge during the support period of the module.

Purchase of this module allows you to use this module in all systems you program. You do not need to purchase an additional license for subsequent systems. Purchase of this module grants You the nonexclusive, non-transferable, perpetual license to use the Software authored by ControlWorks as a component of Systems programmed by You. This Software and the accompanying license may not be transferred, resold, or assigned to other persons, organizations or other Crestron Dealers via any means. For the full terms of the License Agreement please see the last page in the module help file.

How To Order:
To order this module, click "Order Online for Instant Download" below.  After completing our secure online checkout process, you will be able to instantly download the module. 

Product Images
