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Now you can easily integrate UPS control into your next installation. This module integrates an APC HS-500 UPS over Ethernet.
Simple UPS control and monitoring is now possible with the APC HS-500 (PN BH500NET). The street price of the HS-500 is around only $110. While the UPS does not have a huge capacity or runtime, it does offer some interesting integration possibilities. Each of the three outlets on the front of the unit can be independently controlled. For example, the user can be given the ability to remotely reboot their locked up cable box or satellite receiver from the touchpanel. These components are also protected from under voltage, over voltage and power outages.
Some module functions include:
- Turn on and off 3 outlets independently
- Reboot each of the 3 outlets independently
- Monitor power source, battery capacity, runtime, status, reason for last transfer, last self test time and current load in watts
- Control the UPS sensitivity and audible alarm
- Run a self test
- Set the high and low transfer points
What's included
This module package includes the un-encrypted module, a sample SIMPL Windows program, a sample Xpanel and detailed help file.
How To Order
To order this module, click "Order Online for Instant Download" below. After completing our secure online checkout process, you will be able to instantly download the module.